
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Where have all the cowboys gone?

From the Code:
"A Gentleman...
...Does not speak more than casually about his girlfriend.

...Does not go to a lady’s house if he is affected by alcohol. He is temperate in the use of alcohol.

...Does not hail a lady from a club window.

...A gentleman never discusses the merits or demerits of a lady."

I want to thank my friend and colleague Rev. Paul Becker for pointing out this article to me. He is a true gentleman in his own right and a well reasoned thinker and preacher. The article posits the question, Why are so many more women choosing a lesbian or bisexual orientation, and finishes with the hypothesis that perhaps it is because so many of the men in their lives are losers (creeps, cretins, fill in your favorite adjective). Read the article for yourself and realize that it is no conservative blog or Focus on the Family article, but Psychology Today: http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/sax-sex/201004/why-are-so-many-girls-lesbian-or-bisexualhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
The underlying hypothesis seems to be that pornography and the massive increase in it's acceptance has made boys and the men they become well...creepier, presenting young women and girls with a seemingly more wholesome alternative in relationships with other women who will love them like girlfriends rather than treat them like meat. Hard to argue with that logic.
Setting aside any discussion of morality for the moment, I tend to agree that It does seem that if the desire for intimacy is there in human beings, yet it is suppressed in males who separate sex from intimacy as the virtual and artificial world of porn does, then that desire will seek fulfillment from another quarter. Seriously men, the plain truth is you need to put down the magazines, shut off the computer and go be men. Learn something. Do something. Get a job for you own sake.
My advice to girls, originally given to my niece has been never even consider a guy unless he 1. Loves God, 2. Won't cheat on someone else to be with you, and 3. Has a Job or is at least working to be able to be gainfully employed. Why these three? If he truly loves God (not is just religious, there is a difference) then he'll love you because God says so. If he'll cheat on her he'll cheat on you. And if he's employed or employable you won't be working two or three jobs while he sits in your apartment on your couch playing your XBox all day. The problem for these girls though is they look at the goofballs around them and don't see anyone who fits that description. They don't see Gentlemen. They see boys gawking at their bodies and talking about how hot they are (or are not.)
Really men, I'm not here to argue that women become lesbians simply because guys are cretins, but manning up and offering women more than a sperm donor and baby-daddy might at least give ladies something to consider.

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